Lola Avril and I were interviewed by Føljeton’s Emma Louis Stenholm on lawyer lobbyists and EU lobbying.
The whole interview can be found here (in Danish).
Lola Avril and I were interviewed by Føljeton’s Emma Louis Stenholm on lawyer lobbyists and EU lobbying.
The whole interview can be found here (in Danish).
Koneen Säätiön rahoittama kuntalobbausta tutkiva LoSKa-hankkeemme kirjoitti lyhyen jutun Focus Localikseen tutkimusaineiston keruusta.
Jutun voi lukea Focus Localiksen sivuilta (avoin julkaisu).
I drafted an in-depth analysis to the EP’s Internal Market Committee about the EU Commission proposal to regulate the transparency of third country lobbying in the EU.
The full analysis can be found here.
I was interviewed by the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) on the revolving doors of ministerial advisers. The interview resulted in a news article and a 30 minute television programme (both in Finnish).
I wrote a short blogpost about third country lobbying for Verfassungsblog.