I was interviewed by the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) on the revolving doors of ministerial advisers. The interview resulted in a news article and a 30 minute television programme (both in Finnish).
I was interviewed by the Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) on the revolving doors of ministerial advisers. The interview resulted in a news article and a 30 minute television programme (both in Finnish).
I wrote a short blogpost about third country lobbying for Verfassungsblog.
I discussed the first findings of the Academy of Finland project ‘Expertise in and out of Government: The Bureaucratic Revolving Door and its Regulation in EU Member States’ (REVOLVE) and the work Lola Avril and I have done on the ‘revolving door’ in the EU with Dutch investigative journalism platform Follow the Money (paywall). An English version will be available soon.
“Yhteydenpito päättäjien ja yritysten välillä on arkipäivää ja sitä tapahtuu koko ajan. Sinänsä tällaiseen yhteydenpitoon ei sisälly erityisiä oikeudellisia tai eettisiä ongelmia. Ongelmallista tässä tapauksessa on se, ettei Uberin lobbaus ole ollut läpinäkyvää. Yhteydenpito on tapahtunut aikana, jolloin Suomessa ei vielä säännelty lobbausta, Korkea-aho kirjoitti MOT:lle sähköpostitse.”
“Lobbaamista tutkinut Itä-Suomen yliopiston professori Emilia Korkea-ahon mukaan Uberin toiminta Suomessa näyttää ‘koulukirjaesimerkiltä ammattimaisesta lobbaustoiminnasta’.”
Finland’s new lobbying register interests abroad. I was interviewed by the Norwegian current affairs weekly Morgenbladet (unfortunately behind a paywall).
“Each year, we present the Academy of Finland Awards to promising researchers. The recipients must be Academy Research Fellows or work as Academy-funded Postdoctoral Researchers. Nominations are submitted by our research councils to the Board, which makes the final award decisions.”
“The Academy of Finland Award for Social Impact is granted to a researcher who has significantly contributed to increasing public awareness of scientific research, actively contributed to public debate in society, or strengthened the application of science and research in society.”