Teaching and supervision

Photo: Jetro Stavén.

I teach EU law, in particular its institutional and political aspects, as well as qualitative research methods to both Bachelor and Master’s level students in Finland and abroad.

At UEF Law School, I currently teach:

  • Euroopan unionin tuomioistuinjärjestelmä: teoria ja käytäntö (EU Courts: Theory and Practice)
  • Politiikan oikeus (Law of the Political Process)
  • EU-oikeuden graduryhmä  (Master’s Thesis Seminar Group in EU Law)



As a supervisor of doctoral candidates, I welcome proposals from postgraduate research students for thesis projects in all areas of EU institutional law, especially EU governance and soft law, and lobbying and its regulation. Kindly acquaint yourself with the UEF Law School instructions for applying to the doctoral programme before approaching me with your proposal.