Avril, L. and Korkea-aho, E. (2024). The Political Sociology of the Lawyer-Lobbyist. Towards a Practice-Centred Approach to Political Influence. In Robert, C. and Beauvallet, W. (eds.) The Political Sociology of the EU. (Palgrave MacMillan) (Accepted/in press).
Díez Sánchez, L., Eliantonio, M. and Korkea-aho, E. (2024). Funding as a Tool in Administrative Law: EU Structural Funds as a Case Study. In Edward Elgar Handbook on Comparative Administrative Law: New Voices, New Perspectives (3rd edn). (Accepted/in press).
Korkea-aho, E. (2024). Accountable National Governance of European Union Funds. In Kilpatrick, C. and Scott, J. (eds.). New Frontiers of EU Funding. Law, Policy, and Politics. Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law Vol. XXXII. Oxford University Press. (Accepted/in press).
Korkea-aho, E. (2024). “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”: Foreign Influence in the European Union. In Alemanno, A. (ed.). The Law and Politics of EU Ethics. (Palgrave MacMillan) (Accepted/in press).
Korkea-aho, E. (2024). When the Doors of EU Administration Revolve: The European Ombudsman’s Legacy and Future Action. In Curtin, D., Ehnert, T., Morandini, A. and Tas, S. (eds). The European Ombudsman Investigated: From Old Battles to New Challenges (Hart Publishing). (Accepted/in press).
Avril, L., Korkea-aho, E. and Rosic Fegus, V. (2023). REVOLVE: Studying Revolving Doors and Their Regulation in the EU and Its Member States / Le projet REVOLVE : étudier les « portes tournantes » et leur régulation dans l’Union européenne et ses États membres. Politique européenne 4 (N° 78), 134-145.
Eliantonio, M. and Korkea-aho, E. (2022). Soft Law. In Smits, J., Husa, J., and Valcke, C. (eds.), Elgar Encyclopaedia of Comparative Law.
Eliantonio, M. and Korkea-aho, E. (2023). Soft Law and Courts: Saviours or Saboteurs of the Rule of (Soft) Law? In Eliantonio, M., Korkea-aho, E., and Mörth, U. (eds.), Research Handbook on Soft Law (Edward Elgar).
Eliantonio, M., Korkea-aho, E. and Mörth, U. (2023). Introduction. In Eliantonio, M., Korkea-aho, E., and Mörth, U. (eds.), Research Handbook on Soft Law (Edward Elgar).
Korkea-aho, E. (2023). EU agencies and lobbying transparency rules: A case study on the islandization of transparency. In Leino-Sandberg, P. Hillebrandt, M. Z. & Koivisto, I. (eds.), (In)visible European Government: Critical Approaches to Transparency as an Ideal and a Practice. Routledge, UACES Contemporary European Studies, 275-304.
Korkea-aho, E. (2023). No longer marginal? Finding a place for lobbying and lobbyists in EU law research. European Constitutional Law Review (open access).
Korkea-aho, E. (2023). The End of An Era for Foreign Lobbying? The Emergence of Foreign Transparency Laws in Washington, Canberra and Brussels. Journal of Common Market Studies, 61(6), 1529-1546 (Open access).
Korkea-aho, E. (2022). Are Lawyer Lobbyists Answerable to ‘a Higher Authority’? Bar Association Rules as Lobbying Regulation in the EU and the US. Interest Groups & Advocacy 11, 569-589 (Open access).
Korkea-aho, E. (2022). A right to lobby? Comparing constitutional discourses in the EU and the US. 28(1) Columbia Journal of European Law, 1-30.
Korkea-aho, E. (2022). European Commission: Tasks, Functions and Powers. In Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law. Oxford University Press (Online).
Korkea-aho, E. (2022). NGOs as Lobbyists. A Casualty of Environmental Law’s Tunnel Vision? Journal of Environmental Law 34(1), 233-243 (Open access).
Korkea-aho, E. (2022). Rock ’n’ Roll Stars or Guitar Technicians? Legal Advisors in NGO Political Advocacy Work. In Korkea-aho, E. & Leino-Sandberg, P. (eds). Law, Legal Expertise and EU Policy-Making. Cambridge University Press, 218-245.
Korkea-aho, E. & Leino-Sandberg, P. (2022). Afterword. The Four Questions and One Answer. In Korkea-aho, E. & Leino-Sandberg, P. (eds). Law, Legal Expertise and EU Policy-Making. Cambridge University Press, 292-304.
Korkea-aho, E. & Leino-Sandberg, P. (2022). Introduction. In Korkea-aho, E. & Leino-Sandberg, P. (eds). Law, Legal Expertise and EU Policy-Making. Cambridge University Press, 1-10.
Eliantonio, M., Korkea-aho, E. & Stefan, O. (2021). Introduction. In Eliantonio, M., Korkea-aho, E. & Stefan, O. (eds). EU Soft Law in the Member States: Theoretical Findings and Empirical Evidence. Hart Publishing, 1–18.
Eliantonio, M., Korkea-aho, E. & Vaughan, S. (eds) (2021). EJRR Special Issue Editorial: COVID-19 and Soft Law: Is Soft Law Pandemic-Proof? 12(1) European Journal of Risk Regulation, 1–6 (Open access).
Hartlapp, M. & Korkea-aho, E. (2021). ‘Whatever-Law’ and Teenage Member States? The National Reception of EU Soft Law and How to Study it. In Eliantonio, M., Korkea-aho, E. & Stefan, O. (eds.). EU Soft Law in the Member States: Theoretical Findings and Empirical Evidence. Hart Publishing, 57–76.
Korkea-aho, E. (2021). Legal Lobbying: The Evolving (But Hidden) Role of Lawyers and Law Firms in the EU Public Affairs Market. 22(1) German Law Journal, 65–84 (Open access).
Korkea-aho, E. (2021). Sunday dinners and hot baths in a ‘wild wild North’? The Nordic discussions on lobbying regulation and implications for the EU transparency agenda. 27(2) European Public Law, 355–382.
Korkea-aho, E., Havu, K., Leino-Sandberg, P. & Tarkkila, L. (2021). The Finnish Soft Law Puzzle How Can a Rule-Bound Parliamentary Democracy Be Reconciled with EU Soft Law? In Eliantonio, M., Korkea-aho, E. & Stefan, O. (eds.). EU Soft Law in the Member States: Theoretical Findings and Empirical Evidence. Hart Publishing, 119–134.
Korkea-aho, E. & Scheinin, M. (2021). ‘Could you, would you, should you?’ Regulating Cross-Border Travel Through COVID-19 Soft Law in Finland. 12(1) European Journal of Risk Regulation, 26–44.
Korkea-aho, E. (2019). Eurooppalainen demokratia tarvitsee lobbareita [European Democracy Needs Lobbyists]. Politiikasta.fi, 27.05.2019.
Korkea-aho, E. & Leino-Sandberg, P. (2019). Interviewing Lawyers. A reflection on interviews as a legal research method in European law. Network of Legal Empirical Scholars Special Issue 2019 European Journal of Legal Studies, 17–47.
Korkea-aho, E. (2018). National Courts and European Soft Law: Is Grimaldi Still Good Law? Yearbook of European Law, 37, 470–495.
Korkea-aho, E. & Tiensuu, P. (2018). Lobbarirekisterin kansainväliset mallit [Registers for Lobbyists: International Examples]. Prime Minister’s Office. Publications of the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities 57/2018. 148 pages.
Korkea-aho, E. (2017). Evolution of the role of third countries in EU law – towards full legal subjectivity? In Bardutzky, S. & Fahey, E. (eds) Framing the Subjects and Objects of EU Law: Exploring a Research Platform. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Korkea-aho, E. (2017). Tsaarinaikaista avoimuutta? Perustuslakiblogi: Suomen valtiosääntöoikeudellisen seuran ajankohtaispalsta, 22.09.2017. [Tsarists Openness?]
Korkea-aho, E. & Leino-Sandberg, P. (2017). Juristi asiantuntijana – haastattelut eurooppaoikeudellisen tutkimuksen lähteenä. Lakimies 7-8, 1036–1053. [Lawyer as an Expert: Interviews as a source of EU law research]
Korkea-aho, E. & Leino-Sandberg, P. (2017). Is Glyphosate safe? We have the right to know. TARN blog, 15.12.2017.
Korkea-aho, E. & Leino-Sandberg, P. (2017). Who owns the information held by EU agencies? Weed killers, commercially sensitive information and transparent and participatory governance. Common Market Law Review, 1059–1092.
Korkea-aho, E. & Sankari, S. (2017). External participants v. internal interests: Principles of EU administrative law in anti-dumping investigations. European Papers (Carnets européens – Quaderni europei), 543–570.
Korkea-aho, E. (2016). Effects of the EU Chemicals Regulation REACH in a Globalized Internal Market. FCD and FMB. Common Market Law Review, 53(3), 763–778.
Korkea-aho, E. (2016). ‘Mr Smith Goes to Brussels’. Third Country Lobbying and the Making of European Law and Policy. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 18, 45–68.
Korkea-aho, E. (2016). “Villi Pohjola” – Miksi Suomessa ei säännellä lobbausta? Teoksessa Sund- Norrgård, P., Norrgård, M. & Jusslin, S. (toim.) Ett kvartssekel med Justus. Neljännesvuosisata Justuksen kanssa. Festskrift Justus 25 år / Juhlakirja Justus 25 vuotta. Forum Iuris, Publikationer från juridiska fakulteten vid Helsingfors universitet, 171–187.
Korkea-aho, E. (2015). Adjudicating New Governance: Deliberative democracy in the European Union. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 256 pp.
Korkea-aho, E. (2015). EU Lobbyists: Rulemakers ‘in the shadows’?. In Fahey, E. (ed.), The Actors of Postnational Rule-Making: Contemporary Challenges of European and International Law. Routledge, 207–230.
Korkea-aho, E. (2015). Legal Interpretation of EU Framework Directives: A soft law approach. European Law Review, 40(1), 70–88.
Juutilainen, T., & Korkea-aho, E. (2014). Professio ja legitimiteetti – mitä virkaa eurooppalaisella juristilla?. In Mäenpää, O. Frände, D. & Korpisaari, P. (eds), Oikeuden historiasta tulevaisuuden Eurooppaan: Pia Letto-Vanamo 60 vuotta. Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys, 89–103. [Profession and Legitimacy – What Role for a Lawyer in the European Union?]
Korkea-aho, E. (2014). Watering Down the Court of Justice?: The dynamics between network implementation and Article 258 TFEU litigation. European Law Journal, 20(5), 649–666.
Korkea-aho, E. (2013). Laws in Progress? Reconceptualizing Accountability Strategies in the Era of Framework Norms. Transnational Environmental Law, 2(2), 363–385.
Korkea-aho, E. (2012). Better Judicial Review? EU Courts and the Smart Regulation Agenda in Implementing Chemicals Regulation. Legisprudence: international journal for the study of legislation, 6(3), 397–423.
Korkea-aho, E. (2010). Eurooppalaiset virastot kolmannen pilarin alalla. Fragmentaatiota vai koherenssia?. In Nuotio, K. & Malkki, L. (eds), Vapauden, turvallisuuden ja oikeuden Eurooppa. Helsingin yliopiston oikeustieteellinen tiedekunta, 75–95. [EU Agencies in the Third Pillar: Fragmentation or Coherence?]
Korkea-aho, E. (2009). EU Soft Law in Domestic Legal Systems: Flexibility and Diversity Guaranteed? Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 16(3), 271–290.
Korkea-aho, E. (2009). Soft law direktiivien kansallisessa toimeenpanossa. In Lindfors, H. Korkea- aho, E. & Turunen, S. (eds), Kovia aikoja: Riitoja ja maksukyvyttömyyttä. Juhlakirja Risto Koulu 60 vuotta. Helsinki: Edita Comi, 229–249. [Soft Law and the National Transposition of EU Directives]
Korkea-aho, E. (2009). What Is New About New Governance? Making Sense of the Institutional Implications and Constitutional Conditions of New Modes of Governance. Retfærd: nordisk juridisk tidsskrift, 3–22.
Korkea-aho, E., & Koulu, R. (2009). Yrityssaneeraus. In Insolvenssioikeus (3rd ed.). WSOYpro, 623–862.
Korkea-aho, E. (2005). Konkurssiasiain neuvottelukunnan suositukset oikeuslähteenä. Defensor legis: Suomen asianajajaliiton äänenkannattaja, 817–836. [The Recommendations of the Advisory Board for Bankruptcy Affairs as a Source of Law]
Korkea-aho, E. (2005). Pehmeä sääntely sääntelytutkimuksen ja oikeusjärjestyksen haasteena. In Lindfors, H. (Ed.): Lainsäädäntöä vai muuta oikeudellista ohjailua?. The National Research Institute of Legal Policy, Research Communications number 67, 69–83. [Soft Law as a Challenge to Legal Research and Legal Systems]
Korkea-aho, E. (2004). Empiirisen oikeustutkimuksen käytäntö. In Lindfors, H. (Ed.): Empiirinen tutkimus oikeustieteessä. The National Research Institute of Legal Policy, Research Communications number 64, 81–90. [The Practice of Empirical Research in Law]
Korkea-aho, E., Koulu, R., & Lindfors, H. E. (2002). Empiiristä materiaalia insolvenssioikeuden tutkimukseen? Oikeus, 353–369. [Empirical Material for the Research of Insolvency Law?]